Friday, October 16, 2009

Language Research - Cycling

User emotional reaction wants to achieve
At the end of the day Cycling is about finishing and going through finishing line the fastest, the emotional reaction that these product is trying to achieve is the Thrill and adrenaline of Speed during the race. Along with aerodynamic reason bicycle product uses a lot of horizontal line and stream line to represent that Speed and adrenaline produced from bicycling.

Most important Principles and elements used
The most important product in cycling revolves around the bike. The shape of the frame, wheel and the materials used in each of these products is very important in establishing the visual cue.

Road bikes tend to have a more upright shape and a shorter wheelbase, which make the bike more mobile but harder to ride slowly. The design, coupled with low or dropped handlebars, requires the rider to bend forward more, utilizing stronger muscles and reducing air resistance at high speed.

Throughout history the basic structural shape of the two wheeled bike remain the same, however their small details has evolved throughout the years and has greatly improved.

The future of Cycling and its Visual language are greatly influenced by emerging materials and technology, with the rush of emerging technology in the 21st century Bikes are getting;

Lighter & Stronger
With the emerging technology new materials and technology has evolved and given the sport of cycling new materials and processes, especially in these coming years new material such as carbon fibre on their bikes, titanium gears and Spandex suit.
Carbon fibre introduced on the frame and other feature of the product will change how we view bikes and the colour of it,
With the Global warming and the environment dying society will look into using more renewable resource such as timber and other recyclable product on its bike.

More aerodynamic
Science and technology also plays a big part on changing the visual language of the sport Cycling, research on aerodynamic and velocity of cycling has resulted in finds such as tear drop shape on the frame and the helmet. In the future these researches will change the shape of cycling products especially on the frame and the helmet; therefore these changes will also affect the visual cue that we place on the sport.

Bikes are also getting smaller and more portable to safe storage space, the wheel are getting smaller for weight purposes and less thread on the ground to heighten speed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Interesting sake bottles

Interesting sake bottles made out of various materials.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Product concepts 01

Japanese dining ritual is influenced greatly by their early belief, during the early days of Japan history their main religion is Shinto. Shinto is a religion in where practice (actions) and ritual, rather than words, are of the utmost importance. Shinto is characterised by the worship of nature associated with more abstract natural environments such as mountains, rivers, wind, waves, trees, rocks, and etc. This belief still influences on Japanese dining culture today. So Japanese begins their meal with the phrase itedakimasu (literally means, "Thank you nature for this meal"). This philosophy of religion adopted into designing a dining product to interpret and enhance the visual and functional aspects of Japanese dining cultures.

The sashimi plate engraved wave patterns to purposely contain a soy sauce and also represents the sea, where actually sashimi comes from. This effect may remind users about gratefulness for their nature environment visually.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Various Jap plates

Various shapes and functions of sashimi plates.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rituals and traditions in Japan

History of Japanese eating customs and its rituals
Japanese cuisine has been shaped throughout the centuries by internal political and social influence along with outside influence especially from China, Korea and the Western Culture. Their dining customs especially transformed during the middle age of the Kamakura age.

Cultural and social significance
Japanese dining ritual has been around since the beginning of time and it’s culturally important as it shares its history with the founding of Japan as a culture and a country, and these rituals are shape by historical periods, people and religious and cultural beliefs. Japanese dining ritual is influenced greatly by their early belief, during the early days of Japan history their main religions are either Buddhism or Shinto’s. The religion Buddhism travels across from China and plays a major part in shaping Japanese eating rituals, its utensils (as Chopstick originated from China). Buddhists teaching frown upon meat eating, so in the early day Japanese society was influenced by the Buddhist monk, this Buddhist monk was perceived important by society at the time and was even powerful enough to influence the Shogun (land lords) to ban consuming meat for a specific period of time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Design Inspiration 02

Designer's own words:

Where would Italian food culture be without the ancient olive groves? An homage to the stately tree, this stainless steel sculpture holds 50 olives. A much larger version, suitable for hotels and restaurants, could hold skewers of olives, prosciutto and mozzarella di bufala campana for a grande aperitivo. We hosted a modest aperitivo and watched how people engaged with the food and utensils provided. Toothpicks emerged as the essential ingredient that accompanies the constant human interaction which makes aperitivo an active, rather than a passive food ceremony, and lead to the inspiration for this design: picking olives from the tree.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Design Inspiration 01

'aperitivo table' designed by eon ju park

When we are invited to parties we often gather around a table to eat and discuss. but often, most square tables do not quite do the job. the 'aperitivo table' is a simple and stylish way in which to hold your food and drink. the table looks like a tree with branches of small circles which allow you to place and remove glasses with ease - the table itself appearing like a small party space decorated by colorful drinks and food.

Colored drinks
Glasses sit inside small circles which hold your drinks in place

Aerial view of the table with multiple circles to accommodate many party guests

Branches of the table are individually connected to the main stand

Aerial view of 'aperitivo table' containing drinks

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Final concept

The e-projector is the device that projecting a text or video message that received via mobile phone or internet such as e-mail and social network sites. The e-projector deployed wireless system to receive a message from a network and transfer a data such as music or video file into device easily.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Visual language research 4

Robot pet industry getting popular and increase sales volume in teenager group. the robot pet industry has developed dramatically with high level of sophiscated technologies such as emotion recognition function but the appearance becomes more simple and small to remain its cuteness as a pet.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Concept Renderings 2

Another design concept rendering based on the visual language research 3. This concept has focused on the sort of toyetic design and yet to remain robotic apperance as my target is still young 15 years old student.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Visual language research 3

Visual language research 3

Another inspiration from a robot in the Samsung laptop commercial film. The robot has futuristic shape with sophisticated design and yet to remain simplistic appearance with the white and black colours. This colour theme could be good choice for my product.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Concept Renderings

Basic concept renderings based on the visual language research 2. Each concepts have adopted the colours and shapes from the robots and transportations in a movie called transformer 2.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Visual language research 2

Visual language research 2

Visual language research based on the teenage popular movie called Transformers 2 for the particular tribe (Generation Y_Digiteen) refer to various robots and transportations in the movie which reflect technological designs. Various futuristic shapes with sophisticate designs along with distinguishable colours of robots and transportations have considered into my concept processes in terms of visual language.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Visual language research 1

Visual language research 1

Visual language research based on our particular tribe (Generation Y_Digiteen) with various digital products that reflect their style, value, and culture.

Various products that aimed at particular 'Digiteen' tribe focused on robotic and futuristic shapes with distinguishable colour matches (e.g. black and yellow, white and cyon) as the tribe highly connected with digital technology and use of devices in their lifelong.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Digiteen Life Scenario

Digiteen Life Scenario

Wake up
James normally wakes up at 7:00 am to prepare to go to school on weekdays.

James always have breakfast alone, due to his parents go to work early in the morning. Cereal is his favorite breakfast. Go to school

Go to school
James leaves home at 8:00 am to go to school. His school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm.

Social sports club
James plays tennis at social sports club. it starts at 4:30 pm and ends at 6:00 pm.

Online life
James spends most times on social network sites and play video online games with his friends.

Parents arrive home
Parents usually arrive at home at 7:30 pm from work.

James family have dinner at 8:00 pm. Dinner time is only chance to catch up and everyone to unwind after a busy day.

Go to bed
James go to bed at 9:00 pm for tomorrow.

Digiteen Product Mapping Boards

Digiteen Product Mapping Boards

The boards are collage of pictures that have been structured and organized in a way that represented our tribe. Each picture that’s been placed in the poster has been carefully selected as a visual language to represent the chosen tribe, the style of clothing, gender, social aspect has been emphasize by the pictures on the board.

Another aspect that has been emphasized in the board is the modern and futuristic theme that has been put on the background and presented on the picture of members of our tribe using technology heavily. The picture and its layout also suggest aspects of the tribe lifestyle such as school, networks of friends and being a part of an only child family.

Generation Y

Definition of Generation Y
Generation Y, also known as The Millennial Generation, is a term used to describe the demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as "Millennials" or "Echo Boomers". There are no precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Most commentators use dates from the early 1980s to early 1990s inclusive.

Our potential target market or ‘urban tribe’ is the small portion of generation y, born in the early 90s to an only child family with a high income.

Our urban tribe are still going to school in year 10-12 and since they came from a family with a high disposable income the only child is likely to be an early adopter to innovative product (such as PS3, Iphone) “They generally have no financial commitments, thus over 70% of their income is spent arbitrarily, with the majority going on entertainment, travel, and food”.

This spending might be driven by the teen wanting the best that is available to help maintain their position within their social group, and their parents help fund this, by wanting the very best for their kids.

AGE: 15-19 GENDER: Male

CLIQUE: Private school, sport group

LANGUAGE: This urban tribe has their own language especially connected to the rise of technology, language such as abbreviation used on computer or text message such as BRB, OMG and LOL.

-They are very closely related with computerization and
on-line (internet) life.
-Self conscience of body image
-Supported by parents
-Similar style or brand of clothing wear
-Social network of friends